Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit (MALU)
Department of Global Communications
United Nations • New York • • +1 212 963 6934 • @UNMediaLiaison
UN Web TV | UNTV Schedule | UN Journal
Time | Location | Event |
10:00 am | Security Council Chamber | Security Council meeting: The situation in the Central African Republic |
Following above | Security Council Consultations Room | Security Council consultations (closed) - MINUSCA - Other matters |
10:00 am | Economic and Social Council Chamber | Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly Thematic debate on the selection and appointment of the Secretary-General and other executive heads |
10:00 am | Conference Room 4 | Open-ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies, 10th substantive session (17-21 February) |
12:00 pm | Press Briefing Room, S-237 | Hybrid Noon Briefing by the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Guests (virtual): Abdallah Al Dardari, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Assistant Administrator and Director, Regional Bureau for Arab States, and Sudipto Mukerjee, UNDP Resident Representative in Syria who will brief on the socioeconomic impact of 14 years of the conflict in Syria |
3:00 pm | Security Council Chamber | Security Council meeting (resumed): Maintenance of international peace and security Practicing multilateralism, reforming and improving global governance |
For assistance and escort, visit MALU on the 2nd floor of the Secretariat (S-250).
For photo opportunities with the Secretary-General, report to MALU at least 30 minutes before the meeting.
Attendance at briefings is limited to UN accredited media. Information provided for planning purposes.
Media Alert | Media Documents Centre | Additional Resources | Media Access Guidelines